Those who are interested in learning porcelain painting but cannot fit into my schedule as mentioned above, are welcome to make up a class of their own with a minimum of 6 people. Special one off workshop for party, special event, or company activity can be arranged with a minimum of 8 people.
I started up my Porcelain painting workshop in Year 2000 which was the first and only fully equipped workshop in Hong Kong. In the workshop, I have displayed all my artworks and some of my students’ work as well. I have shelves full of different kinds of blank china imported from Japan, Taiwan, China, Czech Republic, Thailand, USA and Germany. I have also stock up more accessories, such as over three hundred different colors of china paint powder, different mediums, gold, platinum, lustres, enamel, brushes and tools etc., for my students to choose from. My workshop has been designed to be very functional and can accommodate approximately 20 students at one time. Apart from providing teaching facilities, the workshop is also a place where my students can relax, have a cup of tea or coffee, while browsing the vary collection of porcelain painting books and studies in the comfortable sitting room.
In order to provide our students with more learning opportunities, we also invite different artists from all over the world to Hong Kong and organize different seminars for them from time to time.
In my pursuit of excellence, I try to keep class number to maximum of twelve students to ensure each of them receives a sufficient level of attention.
My objective is not only to teach people, but also to share the beauty of this form of art and develop long-lasting friendship with my students.
彩瓷畫的製作並不是想像中的困難。初學者可以先選好一幅圖案和一個配合的瓷器,便可以把圖案移印到瓷器表面再上色,薄簿的著了一層釉上彩後,便要放在窯內,以720℃ ﹣850℃ 的高溫燒約3﹣4小時,再降溫約10﹣12小時後才可取出。一般的彩瓷畫都須要經過最少兩次或以上的加色和窯燒過程,作品才算完成。而有經驗的學生更可以在著色之外,再加上多種不同的技巧,集於同一幅作品之內,以求效果更豐富、更突出。